Looking closely at the farmette - October 30, 2016

It’s been a bit crazy this week. Trying to get all the leaves raked and sent to the back forty while wedging in a bunch of volunteer obligations AND working on the business has left me exhausted. I even forgot a dinner I was supposed to attend with my good friends from the Guelph animal shelter.  DOH!

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As I get older, I am beginning to recognize that it’s the small moments that I have to savour - especially when I’m in tornado-mode like I have been recently.

Like when Rob and I were gathering up the 495th load of soggy tree detritus and I noticed this beautiful fungus growing on a stump in the side yard. Just look at the gorgeous colours and textures. I’m constantly amazed and thrilled with the tiny pieces of art that Mother Nature produces. 

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You would think that this time of year doesn’t really have a lot to recommend it in terms of   beauty. It’s doubly so  since the trees have been stripped naked and the grounded leaves aren’t even that pretty any more. But all you have to do is look closer. Do a micro-look, if you will, at the many subtle hues of brown, beige and copper. It’s quite extraordinary.

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Okay, before you think I’ve gone completely round the bend, I’ll throw in a little bit of fun - here’s the intrepid Hobbes a couple of weeks ago. 

He fancies himself a jungle cat, but instead of the Amazon rain forest, he lurks under the hostas in the bed by the side door. Very scary. 

Despite his 22-pound girth, our orange behemoth is actually pretty good at making himself disappear, especially when it’s time to go in the house. Good thing I’ve been practising the whole seeing-things-that-may-or-may-not-be-there routine. Until next week. 

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